Relaxing at VMA Suites

After a week packed with activities and exploring the beautiful country of Belize, we arrived back at the home of Via Mendez (A.k.a. VMA Suites, Via is “short” for Elvira) in Orange Walk. After unpacking from our busy week, the team eagerly decided to get into our swimsuits and head down to the pool where we could relax, unwind and enjoy the camaraderie of tossing a frisbee, kicking the soccer ball, and listening to music.

Throughout our time in Belize we enjoyed wonderful meals prepared by our generous hosts and tonight was no different. We experienced a Belizean-style barbecue complete with rice and beans as well as a full assortment of local fresh fruits and beverages.

Later in the evening, some relatives of Via and Teresa arrived to join in the feast as well as meet all of us and hear about our time in Belize.

After an evening packed full of eating wonderful food, talking to new people, and playing various games, we were all very content to cap the night off by heading back down to the pool. We sat in the hot tub for a little bit and conversed with one another, reminiscing on our past week and preparing for our last full day in a wonderful country.

We can’t thank our generous hosts enough for their hospitality, and taking care of us for the duration of our stay in their country!

- David

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