Pathlight Belmopan

Any fatigue from our morning adventure to Caves Branch wore off upon our arrival to the Belmopan Pathlight Center thanks to our students' contagious enthusiasm! And, perhaps, thanks to a bit of coffee...

Over the course of the afternoon, we celebrated capital-area students' completion of the Spring 2022 MSU x Pathlight Belize Coding Club, hosted virtually in January and February 2022.

From 3:00-3:30, we welcomed students and presented certificates honoring their successful completion of the coding club. 

Thereafter, from 3:30-4:00, we held a panel discussion in which participants could ask MSU student mentors questions about pursuing higher education, pursuing a career in computing, and anything else on their mind. 

From 4:00-5:00, we intoduced participants to the BBC micro:bit, a miniature programmable computer capable of making animated light shows and sounds! Unlike the programs we wrote in our virtual club, the programs we wrote for micro:bits highlighted the deep connection between software and tangible, physical hardware!

To conclude the session, from 5:00-5:15 we invited participants, mentors, and parents alike to socialize and snack in an informal reception. Students received well-deserved t-shirts commemorating their particpation in the program.

Participants were thrilled to finally meet the mentors they'd been working with throughout the program in-person; and mentors were likewise thrilled to finally meet their participants.

As we boarded the bus to leave Belmopan, the sun might've suggested it was time to call it a day—yet the next leg of our adventure was only just beginning.

- Andrew

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